Post event news: BDO and DBS joint seminar: Driving profitability and sustainability

Post event news: BDO and DBS joint seminar: Driving profitability and sustainability

BDO and DBS joint seminar: Driving profitability and sustainability - A holistic approach to sustainable finance and supply chain management was successfully held on 12 June 2024.

Ricky Cheng, BDO Director and Head of Risk Advisory, Alpha Chia, BDO Manager of Risk Advisory, Dennis Ngai, Senior Vice President, Sustainable Finance, Institutional Banking Group, DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited and Carr Ngai from Oracle explored the critical role of green finance in driving sustainable supply chains and fostering a greener future, our speakers also shared their insights into the latest trends, best practices, and innovative solutions in green finance cases.


Ricky Cheng

Alpha Chia

Dennis Ngai

Carr Ngai